“Machine Learning and Materials Discovery” Summer School,
September 9th-13th, 2024
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September 9th – 13th, 2024
Institut Pascal
530 Rue André Rivière
91400 Orsay
Registration deadline: July 1st, 2024
The Pascal Institute at Université Paris-Saclay offers a one-week intensive residential program (September 9th-13th, 2024) including courses and workshops dedicated to the theory and applications of machine learning in materials science . The program includes a morning of lectures dedicated to theory and tools. Participants will put into practice what they learned in the morning classes during the afternoon practical work. This school is aimed at graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals interested in transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries.
- Maxime Moreaud (IFPEN, Lyon, France) • introduction and methods,
- Ralf Drautz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) • construct interatomic potentials,
- Jaysen Nelayah (Paris Cité University, France) dealing with experimental data,
- Mikäel Perrut (Onera French Aeronautical Laboratory, France) • data optimization and development of innovative materials.
Gianguido Baldinozzi (SPMS, CentraleSupelec-CNRS, France), Daniel Bonamy (SPEC. CEA Paris-Saclay, France), Riccardo Gatti (LEM CNRS-ONERA, France).
Hakim Amara (LEM, ONERA-CNRS, France), Jean-Luc Béchade (SRMP, CEA Paris-Saclay, France), Fabienne Berthier (ICMMO, Université Paris-Saclay, France), Marie-Pierre Gaigeot (LAMBE, Université Paris-Saclay, France). Saclay, France), Patrick Guénoun (NIMBE,CEA Paris-Saclay, France), Annick Loiseau (LEM, ONERA-CNRS, France), Bertrand Poumellec (ICMMO, Université Paris-Saclay, France), Cindy Rountree (SPEC, CEA Paris -Saclay, France), Pierfrancesco Urbani (IPhT, CEA Paris-Saclay, France), François Willaime (DES, CEA Paris-Saclay, France).
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