Calls for Proposals
The aim of the PEPR DIADEM is to bring about a lasting and far-reaching transformation in the way Materials Science is approached in France, in order to accelerate its development significantly through a synergy of scientific themes orchestrated by AI, making it possible to have an impact at every stage of the innovation chain ‘from idea to object’.
Two calls for proposals are planned as part of the DIADEM PEPR, with the aim of promoting methodological Interdisciplinary Research Projects on topics not yet covered by the PEPR, using DIADEM’s network of platforms and encouraging interaction with other PEPRs, international collaborators and the socio-economic world.
Projects will fall within one of the following two thematic areas:
- “Accelerated discovery of innovative and sustainable materials for a Green Deal” upstream of applications for major transitions (towards decarbonised energy and transport, towards frugal digital technology, towards the medicine of the future). These proposals should make it possible to consolidate methodologies for accelerated discovery of new families of materials of interest by combining, where possible, aspects of digital design, high-throughput synthesis and characterisation, and data processing using artificial intelligence. As far as possible, these proposals will have to incorporate constraints on the use of critical (or toxic) raw materials, which will have to be substituted as far as possibl
- “Accelerating the mastery of synthesis and shaping processes” aimed at building or strengthening French technological sovereignty. The aim here will be to propose projects to speed up the development of 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D processes, in particular by combining digital simulation, instrumentation and in situ monitoring and data processing using artificial intelligence. The idea is to move towards machines with greater autonomy, even autonomous machines, and towards the digital twin of sovereignty processes.