The DLI-MOCVD ANTIDOTE (Direct Liquid Injection-MetalOrganic Chemical Vapor Deposition) equipment is CVD equipment that operates by injection of liquid solution. The solutions are composed of a solvent and a precursor. The precursors are organometallics which are deposited at low temperatures. This equipment makes it possible to produce coatings on complex surfaces at temperatures of a few hundred °C.
CEA-Saclay, DES/ISAS/DRMP/S2CM, Building 458.
Caractéristiques techniques
The DLI-MOCVD ANTIDOTE equipment is made up of a tubular furnace into which a steel reactor measuring 15 cm in diameter and 130 cm long is slipped. It is possible to replace the reactor with a smaller reactor or even to replace it with a tube to cover the interior. Its isothermal zone is 90 cm long. The precursor is injected in liquid form via a solution composed of the precursor and a solvent. The solution is injected into a vaporization unit called a VapBox. The reactive or dilution gases are injected downstream of the vaporization of the solution and upstream of the reactor. Figure 1 shows a photo of the installation.
The coating is carried out under vacuum between 2 and 100 mbar. The deposition temperature is between 150°C – 500°C depending on the precursors and the desired coating speed.
Currently, it is possible to produce coatings of metal oxides and chromium carbide. The deposition of mixed oxides is also possible.

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