Rapid synthesis in millifluidics with UV-Vis control and on-line SAXS characterizations
Automated microfluidic platform for rapid chemical synthesis in flow (sub-millisecond mixing), compatible with chemistries in aqueous and organic environments, for molecular syntheses and nano objects (solid or colloidal nanoparticles). Thanks to online UV-Vis control, the platform can carry out automated screening of conditions in a multi-variable (reagents, additives or injected solvents) and multi-objective (target wavelength, intensity) domain at room temperature. It has a sampling robot to recover discrete volumes of product for ex-situ characterizations. Finally, the system also allows online coupling with SAXS measurements.
Chemical Engineering Laboratory UMR 5503 Toulouse.
Responsible of the platform: Isaac RODRIGUEZ RUIZ
Coordinator of the associated targeted project: Sophie CHARTON
Technical characteristics
- Microfluidic reactors specially made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) or thiol-alkene-epoxy copolymer (OSTEMER), depending on the chemical system of interest, and integrating polyimide windows (Kapton) and optical microelements (Photonic lab on Chip technology) according to characterization needs.
- Syringe pump system (at least 5 ways) with automated filling (maximum working pressure ̴10 bar) for the injection of reagents.
- Balanced Deuterium-Halogen light source and CMOS spectrometer with a spectral range and resolution of 200-1100 nm and ̴0.6 nm respectively.
-Bayesian optimization algorithms and artificial intelligence tools for screening and optimization of synthesis conditions (developed at ISEC, CEA Marcoule, contact: fabrice.lamadie@cea.fr).
- SAXS XEUSS 2.0 bench (Xenocs) equipped with a Pilatus 1M HPC detector (DECTRIS) and an r-X Cu source (λ = 1.54 Å) GeniX3D.
Associated targeted project