The D2AM/BM02 beamline offers the possibility of simultaneous SAXS-WAXS measurements, covering a complete WAXS signal in azimuth and an overlap between the two SAXS and WAXS signals. What’s more, a wide energy range is available, from 6 keV to 27 keV. With the DIADEME-ESRF project, this branch of the line will benefit from experimental and numerical development to enable high-throughput characterization of materials.
Platform manager: Gilbert CHAHINE
Associated targeted project coordinators: Etienne BUSTARRET, Nathalie BOUDET
Technical characteristics
- On the experimental front, two large detectors (CdTe and Si for high and low energies respectively) will be available. In addition, two new sample changers will be developed:
- Large two-dimensional translations in the plane perpendicular to the beam, with strokes of up to 600 mm horizontally and 400 mm vertically. This configuration will enable high-throughput experiments to be carried out, with the possibility of mounting > 1500 samples (depending on sample shape and size) and > 200 capillaries.
- A motorized assembly offering more degrees of freedom for sample rotation (360 degrees) and two-dimensional scanning (±20 mm) for diffraction and transmission scattering measurements. It consists of a stack of several translation and rotation stages and a hexapod. This set-up will be completed by a collaborative robot as a sample changer.
- On the digital side, on-the-fly data processing pipelines.

Associated targeted project

Accelerated X-ray Characterization of Materials at the French CRD beamlines of the ESRF