Accelerated Design of Architectural Materials

With a growing demand for multifunctional materials with optimized properties, the usual approach to materials design which optimizes their chemistry and nanostructure is interesting but reaches its limits. To overcome them, a complementary approach proves relevant and consists of taking advantage of the higher scale, the mesostructure, in which the architecture of the material can be controlled by hybridization and/or optimization of the geometry. This approach requires the use of innovative materials development and shaping processes, such as 3D or 4D printing.

By taking advantage of recent advances in artificial intelligence and data mining, the ADAM (Accelerated Design of Architectural Materials) project aims to discover new architectural materials:

The overall proof of concept will be highlighted with three printed architectural materials, in line with the major issues of energy transition and climate change. They are of particular interest in the field of energy, the transport of goods and people and even health.

For the first two architectural systems, metallic, we will optimize their shaping, their mesostructures and their thermal (conductive and radiative) and mechanical (elastoplastic) properties by coupling:

The third system will be a hydrophilic bio-sourced system developed by printing and optimized to achieve new hygromorphic properties.